The Stir offices are currently closed while the team take a short break. You can still place your tea order online and it will be dispatched when we reopen on Monday 23rd September.

Ginger Crunch

Print Recipe


One of our sweet indulgences is Ginger Crunch, however, not just any old ginger crunch will do. It has to be an outstanding example with the right balance of texture in the base and generous intense ginger topping.


Some years ago at the award winning Vudu Cafe and Larder on Beach Street, Queenstown we discovered what we think is the best ever ginger crunch. Owners, Michelle, Chris and Rae have generously allowed us to share their time honoured recipe with you.



2 tbsp golden syrup

150g butter

175g (3/4 cup) sugar 

1 tbsp crystallised ginger finely chopped

100g (1 cup) organic rolled oats

90g (1/2 cup) almonds roasted & chopped

105g (1/2 cup) self-raising flour

45g (1/2 cup) desiccated coconut


Topping Ingredients

100g butter

4 tsp ground ginger

5 tbsp golden syrup

2 cups icing sugar

3 tbsp chopped pistachios to decorate



  1. Preheat oven to 170C. Grease and line a tin 21cm x 27cm.
  2. For the base - melt the golden syrup, butter, sugar and ginger in a saucepan.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients, stir well and press into prepared tin and bake for 20min.
  4. For the topping - melt all ingredients in  a saucepan, beat well and pour over cooked base.
  5. Top with chopped pistachios and set before cutting. 


Try this recipe for a sweet afternoon tea or even easier, next time you are down south pop into Vudu Cafe and Larder for a fantastic selection of food and great cup of tea.


We hope you get a lot of joy from making and sharing this Ginger Crunch over a cup of Stir Tea. Wishing you Happy Tea Times from everyone at Stir.